Ultrasound image of a baby on awhite table surrounded by flowers and baby booties

Mum’s Reveal Their Top Tips for Expectant Mums

mum with hands on pregnant belly in knit dress nursing a small pair of baby shoes

When you’re pregnant, it’s only natural that your waking moments (and maybe your dreams, too!) are consumed by thoughts of tiny shoes and snuggly grow suits. But, before the little one arrives, it’s good to think ahead and make some initial preparations so you aren’t constantly playing catch-up once they arrive. It’s important that those first few months are relaxed and as enjoyable as possible for your new little family. This is not the time to stress about your to-do list!

As sent in by our fantastic panel of mums, here are the top tips for getting life in order before baby arrives.

1. Take a load off

As much as they think they contribute equally around the house, the reality is that us girls probably do a tad more when it comes to things around the house. Make a list of the most crucial chores the helpful new Dad could take over for the next little while, so once the baby arrives you can feel calm knowing that the house isn’t going to fall apart without you.

2. TOP TIP: If you own a 2-story home, create a changing area downstairs as well as upstairs.

3. Paperless Banking

Automate your life! If you don’t have it already, please set up online banking and online statements –  it will de-clutter your life immediately. Once you’re set up online, make sure all the monthly bills and credit cards are set to direct debit so you don’t get slugged any late payment fees.

4. Take care of business

Clear your to-do list. In those initial few months when you’re trying to establish a routine, things that were so simple to do before, suddenly become a bit harder with a baby in tow. Here are some boring but necessary things to consider:

–          Get an eye test if you’re due and stock up on contacts if required

–          Book in that dentist check-up

–          Check your driver’s license expiry date

–          Check your car rego

–          Lodge your tax return

–          Renew your passport if necessary

5. Create an online grocery account

Set up a Coles or Woolworths online shopping account. If you want to be super organised you can also create a master list with all your weekly basics so this is all ready to go when you need it.

6. TOP TIP: Take an infant First Aid class. It’s always good to be prepared.

7. Master the breast pump

Get to grips with the breast pump before you need to use it. If you plan to express often, and you can afford it, a double pump will save you precious time.

8. Prams and car seats

Before you are functioning on two hours sleep at a time and your brain feels like mush, it’s a good idea to figure out the ins and outs of the carseat and pram. Make sure you know how to fold it up and pop it in the boot – and how to get it back up again. Also, double-check the location of brakes and restraining straps so when you’re putting your new baby in the pram or car seat, it’s not at the last minute when you need to be somewhere!

9. Stamps and stationery

Let’s face it, the Post Office is probably the last place you want to visit at any time of your life!  Before bub arrives, brave your local and stock up on those cards, stamps and envelopes you will need to write all the thank you notes and birth announcements for baby.

10. Fill the freezer

Search out your favourite casserole, pasta sauce, soups and slow cooker recipes and schedule a big cook-up and then freeze in portions. Alternatively, make double for dinner in the weeks leading up to your due date and pop extra portions in the freezer. Believe me, cooking up extravagant dinners will suddenly loose their appeal.

11. TOP TIP: Hold off buying lots of baby bottles & nipples, some babies can be a little fussy and will prefer only certain types. It’s best to wait and see what works for your bub.

12. Relax supermum

All a baby needs to begin with is size 0000 clothes, a baby bath, change table, car seat, nappies and bassinet. Everything else can wait. Don’t stress yourself out and waste your last precious moments of independence breaking your back trying to getting everything you will ever possibly need for a child, ever. That’s what internet shopping is for…and you can do it in your pj’s which will become your ‘day wear’ of choice.

13. Savour the silence

Read a good book, watch all the movies you’ve been wanting to see…have afternoon naps. Don’t feel guilty, just enjoy your last moments of independence and free will. Enjoy the silence of being home alone. The things that you take for granted today will seem like the greatest luxuries in the not too distant future. Spoil yourself, you deserve it!

Two hoots,

Lisa x

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